1. Eat a delicious Swiss Diet Kit chew with a glass of water ( minimum 250 ml) at the first feeling of hunger (usually 30-45 minutes before a meal).
2. The dietary fibers in the Swiss Diet Kit chew will absorb some of the water, increasing in volume. It will initiate gentle pressure on the bariatric receptors of the stomach wall.
3. Within 15-30 minutes, the bariatric receptors send a signal of satiation to the brain. This means that the brain has received the "signal" that the stomach is full, which will temporarily decreases hunger, food cravings and appetite.
4. During the meal, your body feels less hungry. This helps control your portions as your stomach feels full much more quickly without feeling restricted. The dietary fibers
The Swiss Diet Kit is also excellent to regulate digestion and can be taken as a food supplement as well.
The Swiss Diet Kit has been clinically proven to help reduce weight. Some participants have lost over 5 kg in a period of 4 weeks, with an average of over 3 kg.
The unique aspect of the Swiss Diet Kit is that it is healthy and that the body never feels restricted. By helping you eat smaller portions, it is a great tool to help you learn how to eat smaller portions for life.